Я трахнул жену моего арендодателя, чтобы покрыть мою арендную плату!
95,278 99%
So this is my landlord's wife Marie, and man is she a FREAK!!! earlier this year I went over to my landlord's house to try to work out a deal on my rent. See Covid has hit everyone pretty hard so I wanted to see if my landlord could work with me and cut me a deal. When I got to his house he wasn't home but his wife was. When she came to the door she looked thru the watching hole and asked who it was. I told her my name and that I was there to discuss my rent and to see if I could get a break. Marie then opened the door and NAKED as if expecting someone !!!! She took me to her room and told me that my rent discount would depend on how well I fucked her. Let's just say I haven't covered rent in months. Ever since she likes to play dress up, takes my big dick in every position and INSISTS that I CREAMPIE her every time. you won't hear me complain.
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