Try guys

I'd watch the unofficial porn parody videos of this.
Only if the one they cast as Eugene refuses to do any actual sex scenes because he thinks he's too good for it all, so that it feels realistic.
If he's nude while doing it so he can tease what we won't get im down.
I want everyone to enjoy, so sure. XD Eug does nothing for me. He's TOO fit. I know, I know, but guys that are like super super toned don't get my dick hard. God his face is beautiful though. Like, I'd love to see him in a CMNM scenario totally clothed taking loads from ten dad bod guys jerking off onto his face. :p
I want everyone to enjoy, so sure. XD Eug does nothing for me. He's TOO fit. I know, I know, but guys that are like super super toned don't get my dick hard. God his face is beautiful though. Like, I'd love to see him in a CMNM scenario totally clothed taking loads from ten dad bod guys jerking off onto his face. :p
I mean there is somebody for everybody I find him attractive but personally im into Keith.
How can people forget about Eugene being fully naked for the "photoshopped like women" vídeo? I thought it was one of the sexiest moments of him... he was the only one that had to be naked for those photos. I'm so glad he did it
Depends on if you're a dick-man. I love dick, so I prefer when he (and all of them) were in super skimpy underwear back in the day and you could see every inch of their bulge ;P
Am I the only one who finds Keith nerdishly attractive? There's just something about him that totally does it for me. He also has a deceptively nice ass, there was one video I remember where they tried on speedos at the beach or something and damn. The other three guys do absolutely nothing for me. I'd definitely appreciate seeing more posts about Keith, because there's like none here everyone is way too focused on Eugene who is basically a lady-boy now, such a turn off.
Am I the only one who finds Keith nerdishly attractive? There's just something about him that totally does it for me. He also has a deceptively nice ass, there was one video I remember where they tried on speedos at the beach or something and damn. The other three guys do absolutely nothing for me. I'd definitely appreciate seeing more posts about Keith, because there's like none here everyone is way too focused on Eugene who is basically a lady-boy now, such a turn off.
There's literally countless posts and comments about how hot people think Keith is.

I don't find Eugene hot either, but not because of the vaguely transphobic reasons you cited.
Is Eugene transgender?
Someone doesn't have to be trans for something someone says about that person to be transphobic. Referring to him as "basically a ladyboy" because of the fact that he dresses in a gender non-conforming fashion and often wears makeup and clothing traditionally designed for women is a horrendously transphobic comment.