Breathe... Relax... Take in consideration that writing is a hard medium to convey intentions and relax. No one is attacking your choices, even if it appears so, we are all talking in generics, not specifics.
To many of us, myself included, your choice of not having girl-on-girl content seems as outlandish has forced gay content. I am, confessedly, very much into girl-on-girl content. I can, empathically, understand your reasons, but, truthfully, I can't really connect with them. I know, I don't have to, but, that makes communication on that subject rather difficult, for no fault of either of us. I've been into Lesbian content even before I knew it had a name. The first sexual act I ever witnessed was a lesbian one, I was maybe 6 or 7, was relaxing on my secret spot (the top of a building near my Aunts house) I was reading comics, when I happened to hear some strange sounds. Turns out it was from the next building back terrace, 2 women were going at it... Well, it was a forever thing. I still remember it vividly, and it NEVER fails to turn me on, forgive me Pfizer, but this is way more effective. Throughout the years, this interest, evolved and become one of my most predominant kinks. It's not a deal-or-no-deal, but it is my preferred choice, always.
So, when it's offered, I will NEVER turn it down, damn the consequences. You, well, you seem to go the opposite way, so, I can relate to you has much has I can relate to a BDSM fan, that is, not at all. Is it your fault? ABSOLUTELY not. Is it mine? I don't think so. On that specific subject, we are on a no-connection spot.
So, if the Dev is giving you the option to avoid what you can't stand, and giving me what I like above anything else, none of us lose anything.

However outlandish we look to each other.